Milestones and Achievements

In 1970's


It pleased the Lord Jesus to save p g vargis

While he was serving in Indian Army

In 1971, It pleased the Lord Jesus to save him while he was serving as a soldier in Indian Army

In 1972

Birth of Katra Evangelical Team

In Katra, Jammu & Kashmir, India

In 1972 p g vargis started serving the Lord and the people in a small town called “Katra” in Jammu & Kashmir state of north India


Educate the poor children

by Sister Lilly Vargis (Wife of P G Vargis)

In 1973 Sister Lilly Vargis started her first endeavour to educate poor children in the locality


Pastoral Ordination

Was jointly given by Pastor V J Jacob and other pastors

In 1976, Pastoral Ordination was jointly given by Pastor V J Jacob and other pastors


Indian Evnagelical Team HQ

was shifted to Pathankot

In 1977, IET HQ was shifted to Pathankot and we also started first Bible school


First Official Child Care centre

Started in Pathankot, Punjab

In 1979, First Child Care centre started in Pathankot

In 1980's


First Book “Etha Athbhuthangalude Thakkol“

printed 80,00,000 copies till date

In 1982 p g vargis wrote most famous book “ETHA ATHBHUTHANGALUDE THAKKOL”. Till date 80,00,000 copies are printed


Indian Evangelical Team Head Quarter

Was shifted to New Delhi

In 1986 Indian Evangelical Team Head Quarter was shifted to New Delhi


200 Mission stations

in 12 states of India

In 1989 IET Established 200 Mission stations in 12 states in India

In 1990's


Faith Publication

Started Printing and publishing Christian Magazine and books

In 1990 p g vargis started Faith Publication and started printing and publishing Christian Magazine and books


House of prayer

24 hours prayer house

In 1991 p g vargis started House of prayer where continues prayer happens 24 hours a day


Received Award

For outstanding contributions to Christian Literature

In 1995 p g vargis got “Sarga Samithi” Award for creating a positive outlook among the people and William Carry Award for outstanding contributions to Christian Literature


Samadhanam Award from Kerala

Received Award for best Malayalam Christian magazine

In 1996 p g vargis Received Award for best Malayalam Christian magazine for “Samadhanam”


TV Ministry started; Faith Today

Every Sunday morning in Surya TV

In 1998 p g vargis started preaching ministry in Surya TV in the name of Faith Today


SALT DC Bible Collage

Bible school was upgraded to Bible College

In 1999 Bible school was upgraded to Bible College called as South Asia Leaders Training and Development  Centre (SALT DC) in Pathankot

In 2000


2000 Mission stations

Established 2000 Mission stations in 20 states

In 2000 IET Established 2000 Mission stations in 20 states


SALT DC Bible College

was shifted to Pipariya, Madya Pradesh

In 2005 South Asia Leaders Training and Development  Centre (SALT DC) Bible College was shifted to Pipariya, Madya Pradesh


IMA Excellence Award

By India Missions Association

In 2009 p g vargis received IMA Excellence Award for training missionaries. By India Missions Association

In 2010


Started Free School

First Free school started for poor children in Manipur

In 2010 IET started First Free school started for poor children in Manipur


Adult Literacy

First Adult Literacy batch with 20+ students

In 2012 IET started its First Adult Literacy batch with 20+ students


Mass Marriage

338 People got married

In 2014, 338 people got married through IET mass marriage program

Brief About p g vargis

p g vargis was born in a remote village of South India. His father practised a synergistic faith of eastern orthodox Christianity and local forms of Hinduism. As a young man, p g vargis tried to find meaning in all kinds of religion, including flirtation with black magic. Disenchanted, he became an atheist. He soon began to indulge in various vices.


As a young man p g vargis joined the Indian army. Here he started to smoke about 120 cigarettes a day. He would begin his morning coffee mixed with rum, and would continue drinking till late night. Gambling, stealing and fights became common pg says, “I became a very hardened and cruel man. Borrowing Paul’s words, I too became a chief of sinners”.

A series of events led p g vargis to attend a tent-meeting. Here he heard the gospel preached clear and loud. He gave his life to Christ on the second night, and he experienced a powerful transformation. A new man, passionate to share Christ’s love and power began to quickly emerge.


A few months after his conversion, p g and Lilly felt the clear call of God to serve as full-time missionaries in North India. They went to Katra, a Hindu pilgrim centre, in the lower Himalayan mountain. God began to create breakthrough in this hardened land. Soon, 100 people accepted Christ in few months, a miracle. Within three years that number had grown to 300, and daughter churches began to spring up in surrounding mountains. A movement began to flow out of the first church in Katra. Soon, the movement spread like wildfire throughout Northern India. This was the birth of Indian Evangelical Team. Indian Evangelical Team grew rapidly all over North India, and then beyond India into Nepal and Bhutan. Larry D Pate from his book “From Every People” found IET to be the fastest growing mission movements in South East Asia.


Today, IET is one of the most effective pioneer mission forces in South Asia. It has birthed many church planting movements in various regions of South Asia. IET trains hundreds of indigenous men and women to be effective and godly church planters and Christian leaders through its regional Bible schools and the one accredited Bible Collage South Asia Leaders Training and Development  Centre (SALT DC).

p g vargis travels and speaks all over the world. However, he spends more than half of his time travelling to the villages and fields in South Asia. He also leads one of IET’s regional church planting movement in M.P., one of the hardest and most resistant states in India. He has authored more than 68 books published in India and one in the United States. He was also awarded an honorary doctor of divinity degree and a doctor of literature. Lilly and P.G. Vargis have five children and all are married. He has nine grandchildren. Four children and their families are serving God full time in South Asia. Lilly and p g vargis now lives in Delhi, India

Popular Books

Itha Athbhuthangalude Thakkol

Vasthavik Azadi

Ningalkum Samadhanam

Yisrayelinte Daivam Vivaha Vastram Aniyikkunnavan

TV Programs

Faith Today in Surya TV

Samadhanam in Harvest TV

Samadhanam in Word To The World


Late Rev. John OsteenLakewood Church, TX, USA

I have known P G Vargis and his family for over 20 years. He is a faithful, loyal servant of the Lord Jesus Christ. I count him as my son and ‘Timothy’ in the Lord. He is a man of great vision, integrity and spiritual strength. He is a highly respected leader of India and his ministry has touched many nations of the world.

Late Rev. K T ThomasPresident IPCNR, New Delhi

I have known P G Vargis for the last two decades. Formerly a soldier of the Indian Army but now a soldier of Jesus Christ, he rose from a humble beginning to become one of the leading evangelists of North India. He has a zeal and passion for the lost. May his testimony inspire and challenge the many to become soul winners for God’s kingdom.

Dr. Thomson K. MathewDean, School of Theology and Missions, Oral Roberts University, Tulsa, OK

P G Vargis is a pioneer Indian missionary who can rightly be called a modern apostle. The story of his life, an adventure in faith, will inform and inspire many.

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