About Me

PG Uncle aunty

South Asia has the largest number and the highest concentration of unreached people groups in the entire world. It is definitely one of the darkest and harshest areas for the gospel. In addition, the fierce, growing persecution in recent years has made this one of the most difficult and dangerous regions to spread the gospel in the entire world. Yet, this is where God has placed IET. And, we are committed to His call—to reach the unreached in South Asia, at any cost!

Some years ago when Lilly and I decided to follow Jesus Christ and serve our Lord in north India, our families cast us out and our friends forsook us. In a culture where family means everything, we were broken and lonely. How ever, it was during this time God gave me a promise through His Word, “Everyone who has left houses or brothers or sisters or father or mother or children or farms for My name’s sake, will receive many times as much, and will inherit eternal life.” Today, He has given me a much bigger family than I had lost. I am grateful for His faithfulness, and I am grateful to you who have become our friends and family.

I want to thank you for visiting this website. I pray that you and your family will decide to join us in serving our Lord by praying diligently for us. Prayer is one of our greatest sources of strength on this earth, and these times require intense prayer. Before this night ends many of your Christian brothers and sisters in South Asia may be killed; many churches attacked, many sisters molested, many children made fatherless. Our lives do not belong to us; they belong to Him. Due to surveillance, our ability to communicate things on the web is limited; therefore we ask you to pray for us whenever His Spirit brings us to your rememberance. Please stand with us as friends and co-w orkers to take His love to the most unreached.

May we exist to live a life that is meaningful—on this earth and in eternity.

God bless,
P.G. and Lilly Vargis

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